Virtual Blockchain Worlds

Learning The Basics - Virtual Blockchain Worlds

What are Virtual Blockchain Worlds?

Often referred to as ‘The Metaverse’, virtual blockchain worlds (VBWs) are social platforms (not games) made up of many land parcels which, instead of being owned by one company, are owned by players, companies and investors. Anybody can own or rent land giving them the right to build whatever they want to, usually with the goal of building fun experiences for themselves and/or others to visit and enjoy.

Some facilities already built include Museums, Casinos, Indie Games, Apps, Villas, Art Galleries, Conference Centers, eCommerce stores and much more.

What makes blockchain worlds different from a traditional virtual world like Second Life, or games like Grand Theft Auto?

The companies which create centralized virtual worlds and games own everything, and make all the rules. This is because all content is hosted on their servers allowing them to call all the shots. When you pay for things such as in-game items, power-ups, etc., you will only receive the benefits that come with these items, but you cannot resell them for real cash, so you do not truly own anything.

All VBWs, are persistent worlds in which YOU own every item you pay for (or earn). So much so that you can even buy the land which makes up the very blockchain world you are visiting, with the power to sell or trade it at any time! Not only do you truly own the asset, but any revenue you generate from it is yours.

Everything you purchase is represented by a digital token, known as an NFT. NFTs can be bought, sold or traded at any time and with anyone on various marketplaces.

> Next, read more about NFTs here

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